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How to add social buttons to the footer

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  • #151503


    привет, как сделать кнопки поделиться на нижнем колонтитуле как на фото ?
    желательно чтоб можно было настроить индивидуально. (добавить viber,instagram, WhatsApp)

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    You can use the social share buttons in your pre-footer area by edit your footer’s html block and use the “social buttons” WoodMart element.


    From the widgets area Appearance >> Widgets.You can use this shortcode [social_buttons] to the footer column in the place where you have you share buttons.

    You can check the available social media platforms from the Theme Settings >> SOCIAL PROFILES >> Share buttons. Viber and Instagram is not available currently for sharing and you can not use separately/individually as in your screenshot.

    Best Regards.



    Как изменить размер кнопок и можно ли их сделать разных цветов (т.е. в оригинальных цветах)


    Most Welcome,

    If you want to display those icons with their original color and with larger size.

    You can create an html block and use the “Social buttons” theme element and select the “Button style” as “colored” and button size from “Buttons size drop down” option. Then save the changes and publish that html block.


    Now use the shortcode of recently created html block in your footer column from Appearance >> Widgets.

    Result: https://jmp.sh/wNzqrI7

    Best Regards.



    его нет в этом разделе!



    I have check your site Wp-Bakery Page builder elements not accessible in your html blocks. Kindly deactivate all your third party plugins and then create an html block by using the “Social buttons” theme element as I described in my previous reply.

    Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/JRLZI2K

    Then use shortcode of recently created html block in your footer column from Appearance >> Widgets.

    By doing the above steps your social icons in the footer will shown in their original colors except of white color. Also you are able to adjust the size of those icons while using the social button element.

    Best Regards.



    всё равно html не работает. я выключал все плагины, но Wp-Bakery Page builder не появляется в компоновщике.



    I have check your site. All the third party plugins still active.

    I also enable WP Bakery page builder from Role Manager, set “Custom” and enable all: http://prntscr.com/ktuytv

    But it still now shown. Kindly deactivate all the third party plugins not related to theme then check back your site.

    If the issue is still there then remain the plugins as disabled and let me know. So I can check.

    Best Regards.

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