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How is the view categories widget called?

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  • #1289

    [email protected]

    Hello I’m trying to show my categories in my index page, but i can’t find the category widget. I’m trying to show all categories from Products > Categories .


    Artem Temos

    Hello there,

    Thank you for using our theme.

    On your home page we suggest you to use our “Mega menu widget” Visual Composer element. You need to create new menu in Appearance -> Menus and add all product categories to it there. Then just select this menu in this widget.



    [email protected]

    Hello thanks for your reply. I just tried to do what you told me to do, but it seems that i can’t add the product categories in Appearance > Menus. I can’t find that function. The only categories that I’m able to add is that in Posts > Categories.


    Artem Temos

    So in this case you need to find “Screen options” in the top right corner while creating your menu in Appearance->Menus. There you need to check “Product categories” to be shown.


    [email protected]

    Thank you, thats what i needed.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome, write us when you have any difficulties or issues with our theme.

    And we would be glad if you will rate our theme with 5 stars on themeforest in case you are satisfied with our theme and customer service http://themeforest.net/downloads

    Thank you in advance 🙂

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