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Editing product page

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  • #131646


    Hi how do i remove certain things that I do not want from the product page? Everything has been relatively easy to understand and play around except for that
    I realised for product page, there isn’t a page that i can enter to do changes in the design into what I want it to look like.

    For example, how do i remove the pre-footer from my product page?
    Or how do i change the shipping and delivery descriptions inside it.




    You can configure the Product page in the Theme Settings > Product page > Show / Hide elements.

    Shipping and the Delivery tab are edited in the Theme Settings > Product page > Tabs. You can replace the HTML block in the content field or delete it. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/html-blocks-2/

    Here you will find the description of the Product page configuration https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/product-page-options/

    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global to hide pre-footer on the product page:

    body.single .woodmart-prefooter {

    Best Regards

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