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Hide the numbers on these filters

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  • #145695


    Also is it possible to hide the numbers on these filters ?

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    Product category widget has the option to show or hide the count of the product. So you can hide the count from Appearance >> Widget >> Product Categories.

    Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/oj9pq6

    Best Regards.



    hello, thank you, but it did not work, please look at the settings I have on attachef ile

    if i put on off “show labels” it makes everything disapear including name of atributes

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I have seen your attachment. It seems you edit the wrong widget.

    Could you please share the admin access url and the login credentials. So i can access your admin area and help you to fix this issue because your prior login credentials not working anymore.

    Best Regards.

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