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My life after the update

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  • #147931

    Orx und Vinn

    Hello my dear Super Theme developers!

    I dared and just made the update 5.0 of the theme, but now I have discovered differences.

    I know it, please do not be upset, I’m sorry I’ve found a lot. There are 4 things … yes unfortunately ….

    Okay, I’ll start, then it’s over quickly ☺️:


    At first I noticed that there are innovations in font management. Exactly this innovation I have last week thought. I tried in the old theme to allow such customizations for all devices. So I do not always have to use headers from Ultimate (with WPBackery Page Builder) for normal texts.

    This innovation has made me very, very happy, but unfortunately it does not work ???? No matter what I click on, nothing happens in Safari. The drop down menus do not react, all fields remain empty or can not be changed. Likewise, the arrow above the font size (where you adapt the font size for different devices) does not respond.

    Here I have another idea or wish. I would be very happy to be able to adjust the font height for EVERY FONT as well and individually for all devices. Since some fonts require a special font height and each device always looks a bit different.

    2) Google Maps

    After the update, the Google Maps map (at the contact page) makes such a weird info box (above the marker arrow). It’s just white, without content and annoying. This field also has an X to close, but it does not respond, so you can not remove it.

    3) Footer Mobile

    Here we have so wonderfully put the social buttons in a row the last time. This looks REALLY great and chic and perfect. Unfortunately on the smartphone and tablet there is a problem with the upright view. Here, the buttons stick directly to the other texts and this looks stupid and you can use them very poorly, especially I with my fat fingers can not 😆

    Maybe you can add some distance to the buttons on the left, with CSS or html?!?!?

    4) Search results on mobile view

    I mean the search in the sidebar, in the mobile view, top left. This is a curiosity and is divided into two small problems.

    At first, the results are unfortunately displayed too high. They are in the header behind the logo, that’s not so nice. If I could add some distance above then the result would be good.

    The second problem are the results. Here everything is displayed, from all sides whether inserted in the website or not.

    This is not controlled in the theme settings at GENERAL, right?

    Can I influence that or select it? I don’t know.. maybe when I delete unused pages/content or when I put them to not published (draft) … I tried so much, but it do not work… 😞

    Thank YOU SO MUCH for help.
    Wish a wonderful day and THANK YOU! 🙃 👍

    Thanks XXX

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    Orx und Vinn

    ….. to the question:

    This is not controlled in the theme settings at GENERAL, right?

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    Please read and follow the suggestions provided here https://xtemos.com/docs/basel/faq-guides-2/4-x-5-0-migration-guide/

    Then check all the points and specify which problem remained.

    Best Regards


    Orx und Vinn

    Dear Elise,

    thank you for your fast response!!! 😘

    I checked all the points in the list, all is done. 👍🏼 I deactivated the not need plugins, do I have to delete them too?

    Thank you very much Aaron


    Orx und Vinn

    Elise, Hi again!

    The described problems persist. 😭

    Thank you very much 🥀



    Please upload this file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nziOgdpg11hOKi536nQjjRYX-1MiEI9A/view?usp=sharing and upload it into this folder:

    Best Regards


    Orx und Vinn

    Dear Elise,

    thank you very much for the file, I uploaded it.
    Okay, whats next? 😃



    Orx und Vinn

    Dear Elise,

    I forgot to say, that the first issue 1) TYPOGRAPHY works now.
    Your theme shows me the font name, etc….

    THANK ❤️ YOU



    As for the rest issues, please deactivate the plugin so that we could chekc and suggest.

    Best Regards


    Orx und Vinn

    Hey Elise,

    That sound really good!!!! I deactivated all not needed plugins. I just left the plugins which are from the theme and which are necessary for the visual part.

    Thanks 👍


    Orx und Vinn

    New Login



    2. Google Map

    If you want to remove the window, remove the text http://prntscr.com/pepo4r if you want to make it visible add this code:

    .basel-dark .gm-style-iw-d h3,
    .basel-dark .gm-style-iw-d {
        color: #000;

    3. Footer mobile:

    Please move the code to the Desktop field http://prntscr.com/peprww

    4. Please check the issue now https://gyazo.com/3fb0413e12ab748bf1422deba6df2f9d You have not deactivated and deleted the plugins which no more required, they may cause the problem with the current version.

    Best Regards


    Orx und Vinn

    Dear Elise,

    thank you for your FAST help!!! I just recognize, the Problem with the social buttons in footer could I normally solve by myself, bur when I sit to long on the same problem my brain shut down 😆

    I deleted all the wanted plugins but not the widgets (Twitter Widget, Recent posts widget). I don’t know where I could delete them… ???!

    ✨ Okay, all works good now – THANK YOU!!! 👍 ✨

    Just one problem is still alive:
    4) Search results on mobile view

    I mean the search in the sidebar, in the mobile view, top left. This is a curiosity and is divided into two small problems.

    At first, the results are unfortunately displayed too high. They are in the header behind the logo, that’s not so nice. If I could add some distance above then the result would be good.

    The second problem are the results. Here everything is displayed, from all sides whether inserted in the website or not.

    This is not controlled in the theme settings at GENERAL, right?

    Can I influence that or select it? I don’t know.. maybe when I delete unused pages/content or when I put them to not published (draft) … I tried so much, but it do not work… 😞

    Maybe you remember, we had such a problem on the blog pages too and you solve it with this here:

    .single-post .site-content {
    margin-top: 100px;

    Now you see the same problem is at the search result page (mobil {and desktop sure too}) and at the shop pages also. You can see it at the added photo of the category where the content is in the header. Here do not work the WPBackery Page builder ( WHAT A PITY!!!!!)

    Is it possible to activate the WPBackery Page builder here too, then I could solve the problem by myself. If not than I am sure you know the answer, how I can solve it.😃

    Thank you 1.000.000 times and have a fantastic weekend!

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    Orx und Vinn

    Hi Again,

    I just take a better look into my plugins and I found some other strange plugins. What do you think, do I still need them:

    XTEMOS Post Types plugin
    Safe SVG (it is new, I got it after I updated the theme!!???)
    Gravity Forms Multilingual
    YITH WooCommerce Compare (maybe you added to the theme too??)

    Moreover, I found and I deleted the Plugin: Recent Posts Widget Extended 🥳

    Thank you very much!!!



    XTEMOS Post Types plugin is required
    Safe SVG (it is new, I got it after I updated the theme!!???) is required
    Gravity Forms Multilingual is not related to our theme
    YITH WooCommerce Compare is no more required as our theme has this option built-in

    As for the search check how it works on some default theme to know if our theme causes the problem.

    Best Regards


    Orx und Vinn

    Dear Elise,

    thank you for your help!!! That helps me a lot, now all is up to date 😘

    Please, let’s us start from new with my last issue: Content too high, behind of the header.

    It is so, that I activated the setting:
    Header above the content – Overlap page content with this header (header is transparent) On almost every page it looks PERFECT!!! Just on some special pages it is not adjustable. It is an issue of this theme, I would not help if I would change the theme, because there is not that function.

    We fix the content margin problem already at the blog pages but at the search result page (not a content page which I could edit by myself) is it still alive.

    What I need is just:

    – A code (maybe CSS) for the search result page.

    You see, it is not as complicated as you think. I am 100000% sure you know the best solution!! 😃

    Thank you very much and have a great week,

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    Please provide a keyword to make a search and get to the search result page, I am trying with a few from your site but no results found.

    Best Regards


    Orx und Vinn

    Dear Elise,

    just use the german word for and: und
    I get about 30 results. 😊




    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body.search-results .main-page-wrapper {
        padding-top: 100px;

    Best Regards


    Orx und Vinn


    Thank you very much, that works perfectly!!! 🥳

    Now everything looks god at the normal pages, but I will start to finish the shop pages…. I hope all will work well….. 😬

    Best wishes and have a great week!!!



    You are welcome! I hope, everything would be smooth with the shop page. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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