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Product distribution mission on tablet

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  • #148761


    Hi, I do have a problem. I launched my shop today and have checked everything in advance. Now today a costumer asked me if I don’t diachronen my products and their ingredients, which surprised me. I checked my computer and my iPhone and it showed on both devices. But obviously it doesn’t show on tablets. I have no idea where to change that. I checked the customize woocommerce section and I checked in your theme settings but can’t find it. Can you help? The pictures attached show what the customer sees- or not sees and the video was taken from my iPhone. I had someone else check and they can’t see it at there iPad either. So obviously this only occurs on tablets. What do I need to do? Thanks in advance.

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    Artem Temos


    Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom JS area on document ready in Theme Settings to fix this issue.

    function singleProductTabsAccordion(){
        if ( jQuery(window).width() > 1024 ) {




    Hi! Thanks for your response but that doesn’t work either. I see in your response that the code snipped includes accordion where I am using Tab. Does that make a difference. I don’t like the look of the accordion so that’s why I am using tabs. It does work fine on the computer and on my iPhone but obviously not on a tablet. So I am afraid that doesn’t work…


    Artem Temos

    Please, send us a link where we can see that and where the code is placed.



    I keep sending your messages but always get an error. Here again. See down below in the private section.


    Artem Temos

    When I test this on iPad we see tabs are there and working correctly. Could you please clear your browser cache and check again?



    Hi, as mentioned I don’t have an iPad. I will have to ask my customers. But I can’t always ask them if they have cleared their cache…. Hope it really does work cause I loose customers if it doesn’t show. Checking will take a while cause I need someone with an iPad.. Will get back once I know. Thanks

    Oh and can you do me a favor and send me a screenshot of what it is you see so we are talking about the same?


    Artem Temos

    We are talking about tabs on iPad and it seems to work fine now https://gyazo.com/4f2fec6cba0e34d2d72854cd6d991899



    That does look better. Is there a text if you open them?


    Artem Temos

    Yes, it works correctly. This bug will be also fixed in our next theme update.



    Hi, I was told again it doesn’t work…. This really urgently needs to be fixed. I am loosing customers. What do you want me to do? I can’t add a note on my webpage that the theme has a bug and that they always have to empty their cache. I can’t check since I don’t have an iPad. Why does it work on cell phones and computers but not on tablets. This is really a little frustrating since I just started and now this. This is so important for my page. Please somehow fix this.


    Artem Temos

    What exact version of the iPad have they tested on? I have tested on almost all modern iPads using browser stack service and it works fine https://gyazo.com/33d600e9a3cdcca4cce6f1f0a342cf7a
    And it is not related to caching if you don’t have any kind of full-page cache plugins installed. You can try to test it yourself here https://browserstack.com

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