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Customisation Help

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  • #154155



    I still need help with the following issues.

    1) Changing the text font colour and size for the dropdown mega menu. I tried with the extra class and also using the Advanced Typography (which I would prefer to use) but I cannot get either to work.
    https://prnt.sc/pqn79k https://prnt.sc/pqn894

    2) Displaying the new products green label to a category of products. The way you showed me I could not get to work and need you to set me an example.

    3) And to look at the same category products displaying in the related products tab on a single product page.

    You should be able to login to my site now. Details in private

    Many thanks



    Please disable the blocking plugins and server configuration until you configure the site I cannot log in.

    Best Regards




    The screenshot showed a different IP which I have added to the whitelist. Hopefully you should be able to login now?




    This is really weird. I have reinstalled the theme again and it works the first time then I cannot make any further basic customisation like change colour etc.

    I have sent an email to Sucuri as I think it maybe the firewall.

    On my test dev site it is fine so it must be the firewall.

    Please could you log into my dev site and set me an example for the green new label badge for a category and I will mirror it on my main site. The login details are in private

    You can do whatever you like on this dev site as it is only for testing purposes





    1. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body .navigation-style-default .menu-mega-dropdown .color-scheme-dark .sub-sub-menu li a{
    body .navigation-style-default .menu-mega-dropdown .color-scheme-dark .sub-sub-menu li a:hover{

    Set the colors as per your needs, alternatively, you can take the selector and use it in the advanced typography.

    2. In order to show the NEW label on the product, you need to enter the product and enable it. https://gyazo.com/5872955ca78de9b10c93e1b98aa78c87

    Best Regards




    Thank you for the CSS which I added into my main site but it didn’t work. There is something going on with the main site I need to find and resolve why nothing is working anymore

    For the new label, I have over 500 new products so to add per single product would take forever. You were going to set me an example using a carousel to assign to a category so all products in the category would show as a new product. Please can you set me an example in my dev site




    What is the custom field or wrapper name for the new label in the single product page?

    I might be able to find it on my product excel editor and select this way which would be much better for me




    1. Check all your previous custom CSS and make sure that there are no errors.

    2. Clear the cache after you have added CSS.

    3. You can mark as many products as you need in bulk and assign a category or a tag https://gyazo.com/c4b64dba3a01fa76dd4a13a4bc405b90 and https://prnt.sc/prmz4q

    4. Follow the instruction to show products by a category or https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/product-grid-carousel-element/

    Best Regards



    Thank you.

    I really need your help.

    As I raised earlier there is an issue with the CSS. First I cannot change for example, header colour or footer bg colour or text fonts….Then suddenly I can but then I lose a number of CSS including the dropdown menu formatting plus a lot in the single product page. https://prnt.sc/prnk8h

    Then it swaps around again and the formatting appears correctly but then I cannot change backgrounds again. Its driving me mad and I have totally wiped the theme and reinstalled again but there is no change. My previous settings seem to be saved somewhere after I deleted the theme and maybe there is something in there that is causing the issue.

    Please can you help me solve this as I cannot continue until this is properly resolved. I have also disabled absolutely every plugin but this has no effect.

    The login is in private




    With so many issues that are snowballing and the previous malware etc I have decided to totally wipe WP and start again, so this can be closed or deleted.

    I’ll see where I am in a weeks time.

    Thank you for the help with the new labels. This is a good tip with what you shown on the screenshots and I didn’t know you could bulk assign products this way. I will try this when I am up and running again.

    Kind regards



    Sure, clean your site and as soon as your site is working, contact us.

    Best Regards

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