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Floating menu

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  • #167770


    I want to make a floating menu. It should be different from the menu in the header.
    How can I do this?

    Now I have made the “main menu” as I need it for the floating menu. But it doesn’t work if you don’t display it in the head. And this menu I do not want to display in the header.

    At the same time, the “Make floating(Sticky)” functionality does not work in the head constructor.



    Also, i can’t find it.

    Header settings -> Sticky header -> Sticky effect

    Can you give me a screenshot?



    As I understand you want to add a mega menu in your header except of default WordPress menu. To add a mega menu first you have to add a new html block in dashboard >> HTML BLOCK and then use it inside your specific menu item from Appearance >> Menus.

    You can follow the below documentation for this purpose:

    About sticky effect, you just have to edit any row inside your header to make it sticky. Here is the screenshot for sticky effect:

    Screenshot for clarification: https://jmp.sh/UzTSgTU

    Best Regards.




    There are 2 ways in your instructions. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/enable-sticky-header-option/

    Where can I turn off the second? While the second method is enabled I can’t enable the sliding menu in the head constructor.



    Also, this instruction says

    It will not use any of those three rows but instead will create a clone header with a fixed structure. It will include Logo, Main menu, Search, and shopping cart widget.

    I created the main menu, but it doesn’t show!
    I think this is due to the fact that it is not in the header. But the instructions say that this method does not use the head.



    Whenever the “Sticky Header Clone” option is enabled from header settings it overrides the sticky row option. So if you want to make a specific row as sticky then you must have to disable the sticky header option from Woodmart >> Header Builder >> Edit the Header Settings >> Sticky Header Tab >> Uncheck the Sticky Header Clone Option and save it.

    Please see the screenshot: http://prnt.sc/pmx9tt

    And then you can edit one by one those rows which you want to display in sticky header. Like in the below screenshot: https://jmp.sh/UzTSgTU

    In your case if you don’t want to display the header bottom row in sticky menu then simply edit that one and uncheck the sticky option and save the changes.

    Video for clarification: https://jmp.sh/F9elrw8

    Best Regards.


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