Hello, I am looking at the mobile navbar on single product page should be different compared to the general mobile navabr.
On a single product page mobile footer navbar, I want to show the only cart, add to cart button, buy now (or a button that will send the customer straight to check out) chat icon(we have a chat system where buyers can chat with a seller) and wishlist.
Thank you
If you want only Add to cart button, you can enable sticky Add to cart in the Theme Settings > Product page https://prnt.sc/qvr1q8 and hide the Mobile navbar bottom total. The navbar contains all the icons which you do not need on the product page.
Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:
Hello and thanks for the reply. I am not hiding all the mobile navbar icons. I only want to add “ADD TO CART ICON” to it. However, this should only show or become part of the mobile navbar icons when on a single product page. I will be glad if you can help me with this. Thank you
It is not possible to add this icon. The product page has the sticky Add to cart button. You can enable it in the Theme Settings > Product page > find Sticky add to cart option.