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Multi-Level Off-Canva Push Mobile Menus

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  • #173895


    I’m working on the navigation menus for my website and I was wondering if it is possible to have multi-level off-canva push submenus in Mobile Like this example.

    If no, any possible solution such as add-ons, plugins or code snippets?



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Unfortunately, the mobile menu does not support megamenu blocks.

    We have not tested any plugins that is why we cannot recommend anything.

    Best Regards



    Is this feature being worked actively? I would like to know how long in the near future we could have a similar experience as shown in others premium themes already in the market.

    As a side note: Looking at the ThemeForest site, there is nothing explicity stating that Mega Menus are not supported in the Mobile version. This can be somehow misleading so I think it would worth if you can add a note to it for transparency-sake.

    Finally, While I understand this theme does not support mobile mega menus, I was also wondering if the menu style can be achievable? I mean, instead of having dropdown sub-menus I want to have a “push” sub-menu style.



    Our menu supports a multi-level menu. In order to do this, you need to arrange your menu items as menu and sub-menu in Appearance > Menu.

    Megamenu block may be of different size and the mobile view does not have space enough to show it.

    Best Regards



    Sorry, but I don’t think you are responding to my questions. I know mobile supports multi-level menus, this is just standard in every website, in fact, I don’t need to buy a premium theme to get that functionality. What I’m asking here is 1) When will a functionality just as this example https://prnt.sc/r3btmg be available in WoodMart theme and 2) What type of menus (dropdown, vertical, horizontal, off-canva, flyout, etc) are currently available in WoodMart theme.



    WoodMart theme does not support the mobile menu shown on your screen. You will have to find a plugin or developer to customize.

    As for the desktop menu, WoodMart has the option to show mema-menu blocks. You can find the instruction on how to configure here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/create-menu-2/

    Best Regards

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