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WooCommerce Dashboard page not opening

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  • #202605


    I have purchased your theme 2 days ago and installed this so many times but every time WooCommerce Dashboard page doesn’t get open.
    See this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/sxqqny
    Other things working fine only WooCommerce Dashboard not working.
    Please help me resolve this issue.
    Thank you.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Have you uploaded any content? Can you remove all and provide a net WordPress installation and admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    This is a fresh installation.
    And no content is there.
    I have just installed themes and plugins.
    Not imported demo content.



    Please provide the new WordPress installation to remove all I will install. Do you want to upload a demo? Which one?

    Best Regards




    I have deleted all files, now you can install fresh.
    I have uploaded WordPress 5.4.1 files to the server. So you can run installation wizard.

    We need to use 2-3 different demo layouts and need to combine them. So if possible you can import the main demo in which all the pages will come. And if this is not possible then import Shoes Layout demo.



    You have not installed WP if you want me to do that provide DB name, user and password and also provide user ID you want and password to admin panel https://prnt.sc/sy57y5

    Best Regards



    Hi have already shared database details, please check private content.
    Admin username and password set as per yours and share it with us that also I have mentioned in an earlier mail.

    As you said you want fresh WordPress, that’s why I have not installed it.



    I have installed the WP, theme, and uploaded base demo. The dashboard now works. Send me your email I will give you the access or change the password in DB if you know how to.

    Best Regards



    My Email ID is:
    [email protected]

    The demo you have imported in the theme does not contain any original images as per your theme preview. Can you add the original image instead of placeholder images?



    I have not received any email. I have already shared my email id.

    The demo you have imported in the theme does not contain any original images as per your theme preview. Can you add the original image instead of placeholder images?

    Waiting for your earliest response.



    Installing demo content doesn’t create a site that is an identical copy of our demo site because it has a big number of pages and images that takes to much time to complete.
    Most images you see on our site are not included in our theme package and will not be imported.

    Best Regards




    Will I be able to keep the Search Bar Field visible on the header as viewers browse my shop site? I don’t want people clicking the Search Icon and then typing in a search. I prefer having the Search Field visible the whole time. Like this: https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/?head1

    Can you please help how to set this type of search on my website. I checked all settings in Theme Settings -> Header -> Other but it’s not working as per my requirement.




    1) Will I be able to keep the Search Bar Field visible on the header as viewers browse my shop site? I don’t want people clicking the Search Icon and then typing in a search. I prefer having the Search Field visible the whole time. Like this: https://demo.xtemos.com/basel/?head1

    Can you please help how to set this type of search on my website. I checked all settings in Theme Settings -> Header -> Other but it’s not working as per my requirement.

    2) Also need a filter on the left side of the page, right now it’s coming on top.

    Please let us know settings for both or you can set from our admin panel. Credentials are shared with you.

    Waiting for your earliest response.

    Thank you.



    1. Search – you need to set one of these layouts: https://prnt.sc/t22mhf then add the Search widget to the “Widget Area in the Header” in Appearance > Widgets

    2. Filters – Disable Top filters in the Theme Settings > Shop page https://prnt.sc/t22q4q Configure the shop page to have a sidebar in the Theme Settings > Shop page > Shop page layout. Add the filter widgets of the “Shop page widget area” in Appearance > Widgets

    Best Regards



    I have added one product manually with Color & Size variation.

    This product is also display on homepage and category page and issue in that both page only.
    Category Page: https://coderend.in/sole/product-category/accessories
    Homepage: https://coderend.in/sole

    If I select any color variation in this particular product from home or category page then after selecting a color, image box Height increases. Check this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/tb1okt
    Can you please check and correct it.

    Size variation is not displaying on category or homepage. How to set that also like color?



    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and check how it works if the size changes on the variation selection?

    Best Regards




    Just 2-3 days ago we have started working on this website.
    We have not installed any extra plugins.
    You can also check from the admin panel.
    All the required credentials are already shared with you.



    I have disabled cropping and it works correctly I will check deeper why it changes with the cropping and get back to you.

    Variations are provided on the category page https://prnt.sc/tb7sj2 and I see them on the home page as well https://prnt.sc/tb7sxk please clarify the issue.

    Best Regards



    There are two variations I have used which are Color & Size.
    So the only color is displayed on homepage and category page but Size is not displayed on homepage and category page.



    Now I see. The product grid (category page/shop page / or any custom page) may show only one type of attribute. You can choose which one.

    Best Regards




    On the mobile view when you open navigation menu, in that Collection menu has sub-menu which is not closing. It’s by default open. We need to open that on click only on mobile view.
    Check this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/tf9ijb

    Credentials are already shared with you.



    In the menu item Collection on the desktop, you use a mega menu block which is not supported by the mobile menu. You need to create a cloned menu and assign it as the mobile menu, replace the mega menu block with sub-menu items.

    Best Regards

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