We are glad to know that you considered using Basel for your web-site. I hope you will be happy with it.
Does it happen with our theme only? Could you please try how it works with our theme at all?
Your error log says nothing about our theme and seems to be a problem in your webserver.
Dear Team Xtemos. Ive already bought your theme and have been using it for more than 2 weeks. I really love it. But today morning , the website suddenly stopped loading. Could it be because of the new update or could there be any other issue?
500 Internal Server Error says that your server doesn’t respond and have some internal issue. Try to contact your hosting providers and ask what this error is caused by. It can’t be because of our theme update.
OK , im checking with them right now. They say it could be because of a few plugins and suggest me to remove them. Can you share the list of essential plugins for your theme to run smoothly ?