Home Forums Basel support forum Burger menu not showing on ipad – and changing header

Burger menu not showing on ipad – and changing header

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  • #2372

    Peter Laursen


    I have a problem. When I display my page on an Ipad, the menu looks the same as on at regular desktop. I need it to display the burger menu as you demo does.

    Also I have a problem with the header changing. The frongpage can display a diferent header then the product page. Why does it change?

    Take a look at my page: http://www.supergolf.dk/demoshop

    I have sent you login details a couple of days ago, but no reply.


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for contacting us.

    On our demo such type of header works in the same way as on your web-site. You can check here http://demo.xtemos.com/basel/?head2

    The only problem we see that your right column with icons in the header is too wide and on iPad your menu transforms in two rows. Just reduce your right column width by 70-80 pixels in Theme Settings -> Header -> Header Layout.



    Peter Laursen

    Hi, I have done that, but that still does not change the menu o a “burger menu” as our demo shows. Please login til admin and try to change what is wrong.

    Best regards,



    Artem Temos

    Okay, we have changed your header layout to the same as on our demo. But now you need to reduce menu width to make it fit the space on desktop.

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