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I just bought Basel today. After installing plugins and themes, I started to install and operate Basel Import. The error jumping out is as follows:
You need to install the following plugins to use our import function: Theme Post Types

After I installed the plug-in, the following error :
Fatal error : Cannot declare class TwitterOAuth, because the name is already in use in /home/xytshop4/public_html/wp-content/plugins/basel-post-types/vendor/opauth/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php on line 15
can you give me advises to slove it? thanks
my url:https://www.leidaiy.com

My background website can be opened, screenshot can see below,If you can’t log into my website, please inform me of your address in the screenshot and send the screenshot to me. Thank you

Can you reply as soon as possible? It’s too late. Please reply in time, thank you!

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