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Main navigation in boxed size

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  • #264565


    Dear support, I would like to have a main navigation dropdown in boxed size, not in the full width as my site layout is set to. I can’t see any option for boxed width in Appearance > Menus > select any navigation label > Design > there are options ‘Default’, ‘Full width’ or ‘Set sizes’, but boxed width isn’t there. I have tried ‘Set sizes’ option, but by using that I won’t get expected result. For clarify, please see the images below:

    actual.png – actual look in full width
    set_size.png – by ‘Set sizes’ option I won’t get boxed width
    achieve.png – the look of the dropdown what I need to achieve
    menus.png – menus settings

    I would like to keep my website in full size, only the main navigation in boxed size.

    Best Regards,

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    Please enter the HTML block used as a mega menu block, and set Default for the row width. As a result, all the content would be boxed and the block itself would be full-width. Like this https://prnt.sc/yq7lv4

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    Did you mean to change to option ‘Default’ in ‘Row stretch’? – image called row_width.png
    Because I have that value already set, but it doesn’t achieve what I need to.

    I can make navigation dropdown’s content in boxed size, that’s what I need to too, but also the background of that navigation should be in boxed size. The website layout itself would be in full size, but navigation dropdown (content + background) should be both in boxed size – please see also image called achieve2.png I have marked the empty spaces on sides of the navigation dropdown menu and that’s exactly the look I would like to achieve – text content and background in boxed size. Now I can make only the text content in boxed size, unfortunately the background still keeps in full size and I don’t know how to change it into boxed size look.

    Best Regards,

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    All the rows and sections should be the default. Please try to attach the background color or image to the section of the row of the HTML block. We will check and correct with custom CSS.

    Best Regards




    Thank you very much for the help, now it is working as I need to 🙂
    For the desire look I had to disable padding-top and box-shadow (attachments: result.jpg).
    Could I ask you for your opinion, should I disable .sub-menu-dropdown class if it isn’t needed there?

    Best Regards

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    If you disable .sub-menu-dropdown class you would not have a drop-down mega menu block. You can just remove mega menu blocks in menu items where you do not need them. You can set “none” in HTML drop-down. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/create-menu-2/

    Best Regards

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