Home Forums Basel support forum How to HIDE the entry-thumbnail omg in the SINGLE POST Reply To: How to HIDE the entry-thumbnail omg in the SINGLE POST


Orx und Vinn


thank you for your fast help, but it do not work…. 😞
I have the feeling the system is laughing at me and doing what it wants.

The added rule has an effect on the blog overview page but not at the single post page. I added also a header row H1 with WP bakery and both headers (the normal one from theme and the header from WP bakery) they are both the same not 40PX (like 2.2em which I normally wanted) they are both in 32PX.

It seems there is somewhere a global css which is more important than my rules.

Please, if you have time, please take a quick view on my issue.

Aaron 🎈

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