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Logo not change

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  • #300228


    Hi. I would like to change a logo at header builder with already set by your. i use theme accessories and try to change the logo with provide header of accessories. but it wont change even i put an image inside. Kindly assist.


    Little Panda

    Yes we seem to be having the same issue?


    Little Panda

    Okay my logo changed after a while. No idea on the delay



    Please clear the cache on the site and in the browser after each change or disable it while editing.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Little Panda

    I think I must be doing something wrong.

    I’ve set the Header type to ‘Header Accessories’ in General theme settings and replaced with my logo.

    The ‘Header Accessories’ is set as the default in Headers manager.

    I’ve cleared the site cache and browser cache but when I click on the logo in the top left of the Header it still shows the ‘Woodmart’ logo.

    What am I doing wrong?



    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    i also have no idea what wrong im doing. Clear browser cache done. put our logo by using the header builder that we choose as default star. Still not changing.


    Little Panda

    Sure here are the details


    Little Panda

    It’s okay. I figured out the issue.

    The Home Page (Front Page) was not set to the correct header so I edited the page option to be the correct header and it seems to have fixed it.



    Most likely your home page has the custom header, I cannot check you are editing it now.

    I have checked 360 degrees where no header is selected and headers show the correct logo.

    Please check this manual: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/set-different-header-specific-page/

    Best Regards



    Would you mind access my account to check. i cant solve the problem.



    Edit the page with the problem and find the option to set the header, set the proper one: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/set-different-header-specific-page/

    Best Regards

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