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6.1 Bugs

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  • #301385


    #1 When i open full screan search on PC all windows shifts.
    #2 My scroll bar update after site full download and thats shifts all windows and bugged.
    #3 Search menu on mobile bugged



    #1 When i open full screan search on PC all windows shifts.



    #3 Search menu on mobile bugged

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    Bogdan Donovan


    1. This issue is caused by following custom CSS code related to the html tag (screenshot https://gyazo.com/f976a12a8e9c8f4bbcdd18d951f46c26). Try to remove it and check again.

    2. Your issue is not clear enough. Please provide detailed information, attach some screenshots or video.

    3. This issue was fixed since beta release. If you updated your site to 6.1 version and issue still visible, try to clear your device cache. We have checked your site and full screen search looks normal (screenshot https://gyazo.com/3501a6508dc98f0e35be142c5840ab91).

    Kind Regards



    1. Fixed
    3. Fixed

    2. Check video please, link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YcTC7dY2PfILCjJGVSt7ARndyCGitKmv

    Look at twitching and shifting please. When i check any page, after download page was shifted and twitching



    Bogdan Donovan


    In the latest update, we didn’t make any changes related to the scrollbar. This behavior is not depended on form Woodmart theme, and it is standard WebKit browser scrollbar behavior with dynamic content.

    – When a page have enough content to be scrollable, it has a scrollbar to move up and down.
    – When a page dint have enough content to be scrollable – scrollbar is hidden.

    Please check the video to see how it works (https://gyazo.com/147477693ce6cacde71ccfde1a4cf76c)

    Depending on internet speed and device performance, some dynamic content like images/products can be loaded several milliseconds after the initial page was shown on screen and if there is not enough content on screen to show the scrollbar – in not will be displayed until images/products will be loaded.

    Please check the video to see how it works (https://gyazo.com/4afd6aa7512859fb22baea7fcea976d2)

    There is several ways to change this:

    – Add more content to the page to make sure that scroll is always shown even if images not be visible at the moment.
    – Add the following custom cote that show scrollbar even if page is not scrollable (video https://gyazo.com/a65a1520b85d37eabd5d038381152dcf).

    @media (min-width: 1024px) {
    html body {
    	overflow-y: scroll;

    Kind Regards



    Thanks. I added the code but problem not fixed.
    When i press: https://fineorganics.com.ua/blog/ and https://fineorganics.com.ua/about/
    The scroll still disappears and reappears at the end.


    Bogdan Donovan

    We have checked your site and didn’t see any missing scrollbar (check the video https://gyazo.com/14ba2430ec18c7981e4fe24d19dc9e2d).

    Try to clear your browser, site cache and check again.

    Kind Regards



    After clear cache i receive bag with scroll on shop page


    Bogdan Donovan


    Your custom CSS code contain errors:

    – Double semicolon on 6,7 string of the Global Custom CSS area.
    – Custom code provided by us is placed in wrong field.

    Custom code from previous reply need to be place it in the Global Custom CSS area.

    Try to fix following errors, disable third party plugin that are not related to theme, clear cache and check again.

    Kind Regards

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