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Hi Elise,
I don’t think you quite understand the issue.
If I deactivate the plugin and operate as normal ten the main image will update to the variation image as shown in the first attachment image, (I apologise but I am on mobile at the moment so it’s a small screenshot but you can see what I mean).
I purchased the variation gallery image plugin as each colour variation has more than one image for example yellow may have seven images instead of just the one image displayed when a variation is selected.
As you can see from the second screenshot the plugin allows uploading of multiple images when creating a variation. I would then expect these images to appear in a similar style as to the normal gallery images underneath the main image in a slider type style but just with the gallery images from that variation as shown in the third attachment.
However what I get is all of the variation gallery images as shown in the fourth attachment. They are just in a list rather than in a slider style as per the default style.
As mentioned it is an official Woocommerce plugin and this shouldn’t be happening. The behaviour expected is for the images to be replaced with the images for the variation selected in the same style but this does not happen.