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I didn’t personally renamed it You May Also Like myself, I told the developer at the time to do it. I thought he would know if there was a difference between the Related Items & You May Also Like, and would’ve done what it took to allow similar images on the slider like the main one that’s being viewed on the product page. After I told him that similar items weren’t showing up on the slider as the main product, he should’ve automatically known why, then fixed it. If a Top is being viewed, I would like all tops to be viewed on the slider, if a bottom is being viewed, I would like all bottoms to be viewed on the slider, If a hair accessories is being viewed, I would like all hair accessories on the slider, etc.

As for you asking me to let you know what product I would like you to add, then describe what products I would like to show on that product page, I just don’t see how that would be possible or practical. I have about 500 products on the website, and I can’t see myself manually adding multiple products for the slider when viewing each item on the website. Please let me know if this is what I would be faced with if I did it manually, and in order for similar items to show up on the slider as the main product that’s being viewed. Thanks.