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Change theme font

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  • #32425

    Hosein Vahhabi


    How can I changing all Text font to persian “IRANSans”?
    IranSans does not exist in theme setting typography. in that list only google font exist.


    Artem Temos


    Unfortunately, there is no option to upload custom fonts in our Theme Settings. Here is an article that should help you upload and use your custom fonts with a bit of additional code customization https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/custom-fonts-css/



    Hosein Vahhabi

    based on course video in lynda.com named
    I upload my font with fontiran.css in its folder that introduce All font style and weight and format.
    then add this code in function.php in woodmart child
    wp_enqueue_style( 'child-IRANSans', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/fonts/IRANSans/fontiran.css', array('bootstrap') );
    and this to style.css in woodmart-child

    * {
    	font-family: IRANSans !important;
    body {
    	font-family: IRANSans !important;
    	font-weight: 300;
    	direction: rtl;
    	background-color: #E2E2E2;
    	margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,input, textarea {
    	font-family: IRANSans !important;

    but tow issue produced
    1. the font icon missed.
    2. the fonts does not properly load. and home page time load increased very much.
    can you help me to implement standard and minify way to add font?
    or intruduced me shortcode in child style css add to override font on all text in my site exclude font icon?


    Artem Temos

    Are you able to provide us your admin and FTP access so we can check it?

    Thank you


    Hosein Vahhabi

    yes it’s OK.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we can’t connect with this FTP data. But we also don’t see fonts files uploaded to the child theme. Check this for example http://www.aventstore.ir/wp-content/themes/woodmart-child/fonts/ttf/IRANSansWeb.ttf


    Hosein Vahhabi

    in woodmart-child/fonts/… all version of font exists.
    you can try the import configuration filezila ftp in private content.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we still can’t connect https://gyazo.com/77d001e2ba46ed85b9442ad5b3a27daa
    We see the following errors in your JS console that means that your fonts files can’t be found https://gyazo.com/fba215ced4bc5a2ebc8f7a485a8aa4c5

    Are you able to check the FTP or gives some other way to connect to your theme files? Or you can try to upload your custom fonts using some extra plugin like this one https://wordpress.org/plugins/use-any-font/


    Hosein Vahhabi

    iransans font files exist in directory theme/woodmar/woodmart-child/font/iransans/..
    and with new FTP account after cheking the box to accept the unusual certificate when say “host name does not match certificate” you can access and see this files.
    but i dont understand why my font does’ not recognize and load.

    I dont use that pluging because plugins slow down page speed
    I following to optimize method that dont affect my page speed
    thanks for attention


    Hosein Vahhabi

    the xml file


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but we still can’t access and get an error in the FileZilla. Maybe you can give us your hosting control panel access?

    Your fonts should be in the following locations:


    check your error console and you will see those errors https://gyazo.com/54b1859976e2d2721f49a6d2cbd0dbd7



    Hosein Vahhabi

    I send the hosting control access. please fit the issue.


    Artem Temos

    OK, we have moved the font to the right location. Now you need to add the following CSS code

    .font-text, body, .menu-label, .menu-item-register .create-account-link, .wpb-js-composer .vc_tta.vc_general.vc_tta-style-classic.vc_tta-accordion .vc_tta-panel-title, .widgetarea-mobile .widget_currency_sel_widget .widget-title, .widgetarea-mobile .widget_icl_lang_sel_widget .widget-title, .woodmart-hover-base .hover-content table th, .woocommerce-product-details__short-description table th,
    #order_review_heading, #ship-to-different-address label, .cart-empty, .cart-totals-inner h2, .font-primary, .masonry-filter li, .menu-mega-dropdown .sub-menu>li>a, .page-title h1, .register-or, .social-login-title, .tabs-layout-tabs .tabs li, .title, .widget_rss ul li>a, .wishlist-title h2, .woocommerce-MyAccount-title, .woocommerce-Reviews .comment-reply-title, .woocommerce-additional-fields>h3, .woocommerce-billing-fields>h3, .woocommerce-column__title, .woocommerce-shipping-fields>h3, .woodmart-accordion-title, .woodmart-checkout-steps ul, .woodmart-price-table .woodmart-plan-title, .woodmart-products-tabs .products-tabs-title, .woodmart-products-tabs .tabs-name, .woodmart-sizeguide-table tr:first-child td, .wpb-js-composer .vc_tta.vc_general.vc_tta-style-classic.vc_tta-tabs .vc_tta-tab>a, body>h1, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header.title>h3, legend, table th, table.compare-list tr.no-products td,
    #order_review_heading, #ship-to-different-address label, .cart-empty, .cart-totals-inner h2, .font-primary, .masonry-filter li, .menu-mega-dropdown .sub-menu>li>a, .page-title h1, .register-or, .social-login-title, .tabs-layout-tabs .tabs li, .title, .widget_rss ul li>a, .wishlist-title h2, .woocommerce-MyAccount-title, .woocommerce-Reviews .comment-reply-title, .woocommerce-additional-fields>h3, .woocommerce-billing-fields>h3, .woocommerce-column__title, .woocommerce-shipping-fields>h3, .woodmart-accordion-title, .woodmart-checkout-steps ul, .woodmart-price-table .woodmart-plan-title, .woodmart-products-tabs .products-tabs-title, .woodmart-products-tabs .tabs-name, .woodmart-sizeguide-table tr:first-child td, .wpb-js-composer .vc_tta.vc_general.vc_tta-style-classic.vc_tta-tabs .vc_tta-tab>a, body>h1, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header.title>h3, legend, table th, table.compare-list tr.no-products td {
    	font-family: IRANSans;

    Hosein Vahhabi

    I inset the code to the child-theme style.css
    the font properly load but not assign to the page’s text.
    can you check the issue?
    thanks a lot.


    Artem Temos

    Could you please try this code snippet?

    .font-text, .menu-item-register .create-account-link, .menu-label, .widgetarea-mobile .widget_currency_sel_widget .widget-title, .widgetarea-mobile .widget_icl_lang_sel_widget .widget-title, .woocommerce-product-details__short-description table th, .woodmart-hover-base .hover-content table th, .wpb-js-composer .vc_tta.vc_general.vc_tta-style-classic.vc_tta-accordion .vc_tta-panel-title, body {
        font-family: IRANSans!important;
    .font-primary, .page-title h1, table th, .woodmart-products-tabs .tabs-name, .woodmart-products-tabs .products-tabs-title, .woodmart-price-table .woodmart-plan-title, .masonry-filter li, .woocommerce-column__title, header.title > h3, .woodmart-sizeguide-table tr:first-child td, .tabs-layout-tabs .tabs li, .woodmart-accordion-title, .woodmart-checkout-steps ul, .woocommerce-billing-fields > h3, .woocommerce-shipping-fields > h3, .woocommerce-additional-fields > h3, #ship-to-different-address label, #order_review_heading, .cart-empty, .cart-totals-inner h2, .social-login-title, .register-or, .woocommerce-MyAccount-title, .wpb-js-composer .vc_tta.vc_general.vc_tta-style-classic.vc_tta-tabs .vc_tta-tab > a, .wishlist-title h2, body > h1, table.compare-list tr.no-products td, #order_payment_heading, .widget_rss ul li > a, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .title, legend, .woocommerce-Reviews .comment-reply-title, .menu-mega-dropdown .sub-menu > li > a, .mega-menu-list > li > a, .color-scheme-light .mega-menu-list>li>a {
        font-family: IRANSans!important;
    .category-grid-item .category-title, .blog-post-loop .entry-title, .post-single-page .entry-title, .single-post-navigation .post-title, td.product-name a, .product-image-summary .entry-title, .woodmart-menu-price .menu-price-title, .product-title, .product-grid-item .product-title, .group_table td.label a, table.compare-list tr.title td, .widget_recent_entries ul li a, .widget_recent_comments ul li > a, .woodmart-recent-posts .entry-title a, .widget_recent_reviews li a, .yith-woocompare-widget .products-list li
    a.title {
        font-family: IRANSans!important;

    Hosein Vahhabi

    It’s solved, Thank a lot.


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome!


    Hosein Vahhabi

    hello again
    font of the header main menu does not changed yet!


    Artem Temos

    Use the following CSS code also

    .main-nav-style, .main-nav .item-level-0 > a, .main-nav .menu > .menu-item-language > a, body:not(.global-full-screen-menu) .woodmart-header-links > ul > li > a, .full-screen-nav .item-level-0 > a, .full-screen-nav .menu > .menu-item-language > a {
        font-family: IRANSans!important;

    Hosein Vahhabi

    thanks, it’s solved.


    Bogdan Donovan

    You are welcome!

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