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add CSS styles only for rtl

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  • #337790


    How to add CSS styles only for <html dir = “rtl” lang = “he-IL”> site in this orientation.
    for example: rtl .wd-nav-main> li> a, .wd-nav-secondary> li> a {font-size: 16px;}
    These styles should only work for rtl pages.

    Or is there a special rtl orientation class to increase the size of fonts only for these pages?



    When you set any RTL language in your site, the body gets class “rtl” https://prnt.sc/22gda16

    And this class enables RTL layout.

    Here is the sample of the custom for RTL:

    .rtl .title {
    text-align: right;

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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