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Hello Luke,

5.b. Thanks for clarifying further.

6.d,e. Yes, this worked. Will custom selector .wd-list .list-content work to change the font attributes in mobile devices also.

6.b. I used these below selectors one-by-one, but found that they are not affecting H4 on Single product page, at all. .page h4, .single h4,
Probably I am doing something wrong, or some other CSS (from somewhere else) might be taking the precedence.

Can you please try to replicate on just one product, below one-
Once it gets identified, I will follow same on and for other products.

6.f. However, there is one Glitch, that after I use this .single h4,
It then also change the Title size of the Element named “Section Title
(Irrespective of whatever font size, I set inside the Element).

So two points-
Technically, CSS selector for Single product page, does not affects the font size on Section Title Element.
Secondly, if at all (it is affecting, in error), it should not takes precedence, as I have already set the Font size inside the Section Title Element. Means, whatever inside the element, should be of higher priority.

Please try to check and replicate, how the selector .single h4 changes Title here, on Section Title-
Please get this resolved, by forwarding this to team.
And in the meantime, please suggest the solution.

6.g. There seems another issue. If I set font size to Custom in Text block Element (Woodmart’s), and change the Font-size, then it actually affects or reflect the Line-Height, rather than the font-size.

Please try to replicate on same HTML block (Ask Us Pop Up form), as below-

7. Thanks for sharing the CSS. Will try these and let you know.
Can you please forward this to team, so that it can be updated in a way, that if someone uses custom image for Wishlist and Search icons, then those also gets reflected in Mobile navigation (left sidebar)
7.a. That way, it will make changes Globally and by maintaining uniformity too. As well as avoid extra CSS, for which it should not required, primarily.

8. .

In order to get rid of that issue…

This worked, as of now. But, wanted to know, what could be causing this Glitch.
What has been identified as a reason, for this bug. And will this be resolved in the next update.

8.b. Can you please ask the team to Add options of Horizontal Alignment also (that is for Top, Bottom, Center), for Icons to be aligned with the List content, inside the List Element (Woodmart’s)

Why so. Reason below

If List’s content is more, then it does not looks good at all, when icon shows way below (in the center). There is no purpose then, to display that List icon. Infact, that becomes very Odd too, and seems like an error. (As user may even think, that why and where that “Hand icon” is coming from, in the middle, that too mis-aligned)
And when someone views the content in mobile, then it gets even worse, as matter is longer and wraps down further, and Icon shows at way bottom, towards the center.

Until then, please suggest how to resolve this, in order to align the Icon horizontally with the top of the Content.


  • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.
  • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by harshwe.