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Own icons in mobile menue

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  • #343988


    Hi all,

    i find a lot of discussion in this forum to my question but without a really solution…..

    Is it possible to insert my own icons instead of the “FonAwesome” Website? Maybe with the help pf CSS? Attached one picture which icon i mean….Thank you

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    You will need to assign different classes to each menu item and add icons as a background with custom CSS for each item.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Works well thank you. But one question. Can you told me how i can shift just the words to the right position (see screenshot). But really just the words and not the line underneathe for example…Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Frieda.
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    How do you want to move the text?

    What way the icon should be: on the left or on the right side of the text?

    Best Regards



    It would be perfect when it look similar to the one wehre i have added the FontAwesome icons . See attached:

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    Please insert the credentials into the Private content below the message area.

    Best Regards




    Please insert the credentials into the Private content below the message area.

    Best Regards

    What kind of credentials you mean?!?!



    I got it….with the help of folliwng CSS Code i can insert the icons like i want….
    But now the next question… I have approx 15 menues. How i can make the CSS code more performant. In this moment i write the complete code for each menue like the code below.

    Maybe is it possible to write the formating section just one time?!

     	 text-indent: 25px;	
    	 background-position: 5% 50%;
    	 background-size: 25px;
    	 background-repeat: no-repeat ;
    	 background-image: url(" "); 
     	 text-indent: 25px;	
    	 background-position: 5% 50%;
    	 background-size: 25px;
    	 background-repeat: no-repeat ;
    	 background-image: url(" "); 
     	 text-indent: 25px;	
    	 background-position: 5% 50%;
    	 background-size: 25px;
    	 background-repeat: no-repeat ;
    	 background-image: url(" "); 
     	 text-indent: 25px;	
    	 background-position: 5% 50%;
    	 background-size: 25px;
    	 background-repeat: no-repeat ;
    	 background-image: url(" "); 




    You can create one common code for all menu items like this:

    .wd-nav > li > a{
     	 text-indent: 25px;	
    	 background-position: 5% 50%;
    	 background-size: 25px;
    	 background-repeat: no-repeat ;

    Then you will need to write a changeable part for each item like this:

    .wd-nav > li > a.menue-4{
    background-image: url(" "); 

    As the result, you will have 15 short snippets.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Dear Elise,

    many thanks for your reply (i know this is not part of you Theme-Support…)

    But it is not working anymore. The Background isn’t showing (see blue arrow). And would it be possible to activate the formating not for the main topics (see red arrow) I just need the Background as well the shifting of the text etc. for the green arrow categories.

    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Frieda.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Frieda.
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    Please insert the credentials into the Private content below the message area as well as the image URL for one menu item you are going to apply, I will give your a common and sample of the individual CSS.

    Best Reards



    See private content….



    You told me about approximately 15 menu items and I have omitted that you are talking about the Product category menu. You do not need CSS to add icons to the categories.

    You need to have equal sizes icons and upload them to each category and it will be shown in all the menus. You can find the instruction here: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/product-category-menu/

    As soon as you add the icons we will add the text ident for those that do not have the icon.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Fantastics….it works! Thank you very much!


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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