Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.
You need to create an HTML block in Dashboard > HTML blocks, and add the custom filters as per the manual you refer to.
Then follow these steps:
1. Enable Top filters in the Theme Settings >Product archives > Shop filters https://gyazo.com/3564df2a5d658a0010b6c0ebd0b537d4
2. Enable Shop filters area always opened
3. Shop filters content type should be set Custom content
4. You can choose the HTML block with the content from the Shop filters custom content drop-down.
You can create the banner in the HTM block as it was implemented in the demo by means of the builder you use in the site.
If you create the block and there is no WP bakery, you need to enable HTML block:
Navigate to WP Bakery Page builder > Role Manager http://prntscr.com/lqfzji
Enable WP Bakery Page builder for portfolio http://prntscr.com/lx3o2t
Best Regards