I’m realy satisfied with your theme and try to test the performance before I will put products to my shop. I want to have nice prepared base. Results are very good (about 3s), but on GtMetrix site in waterfall section I see that favincon is loading far after all the rest and I think that fixing it can give even better effects. Can you help me with this issue?
For your information I’m using these plugins: Autoptimize, Cache Enabler and Async JavaScript.
Best Regards
In general, there are no any issues with this icon and it is loading correctly. It is just in the end of all requests we don’t know how to change this.
yes it loading correctly but there are decent gaps between requests. If fonts, than /?wc-ajax=get_refreshed_fragments and favicon will load in a row it can make a very big improvment to page performacne. Is there a way to fix it?
Best regards
It requires extra code customization to achieve this. You just keep our typography fonts settings empty in Theme Settings -> Typography and add your fonts manually with CSS code. Here is an article that should help you upload and use your custom fonts with a bit of additional code customization https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/custom-fonts-css/