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login register

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  • #396197


    Hello ,

    I would like to have the same login / register but I do not see the result on my theme could you tell me the button please.

    Thanks in advance,

    To read you,

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    Please follow these manuals: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/how-to-configure-facebook-login/ and https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/how-to-configure-facebook-login/

    If you have configured everything properly, and the problem remains, contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your feedback,

    I created the facebook and google connection but impossible to see the result on my side even by emptying the caches and refreshing the page



    Please insert the site admin access into the Private content below the message area. We will take a closer look at the case.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your feedback,

    So I’m waiting for your feedback on the solutions



    Please provide the correct login URL, the URL you have provided leads to the home page and wp-admin gives 404.

    Best Regards



    Good evening,

    I send you the login url



    When I try to log in with Facebaook:

    URL blocked
    The redirect failed because the destination URI is not listed as allowed URIs in the OAuth Client Settings section of the application. Ensure that OAuth login is enabled for the client and web forms, and add all your application domains as valid OAuth redirect URIs.

    The WoodMart functionality does not influence that.

    And I see this when I try to log in with Google:

    Authorisation Error
    Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
    You can't enter this addendum, the shards of the vin don't comply with Google's rules for OAuth 2.0.
    If you are a retailer, register the forwarding URI in the Google Cloud Console.
    Request parameters

    Please check your Facebook and Google account settings.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for your feedback,

    Attached screenshot google my uri is well stipulated, following the elements on the documentation, I followed so afterwards I do not understand why it does not work?

    If you have additional instructions, I am a taker thank you

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please select “day and title” in the Permalinsk: https://prnt.sc/o5i1Ie4vU27E

    Then insert My Account URL into the Google, if it does not help, disable the maintenance mode to debug.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    thank you for feedback,

    I did not know that it could have an impact to leave in current setting the title of the publication .. by date and title



    thank you for feedback,

    I did not know that it could have an impact to leave in current setting the title of the publication .. by date and title..

    It is said that for natural referencing it is better to put the title setting of the publication?



    Please switch the permalinks and disable the maintenance mode so that we could investigate deeper.

    Best Regards



    thank you for your return, I would like with the login / register in off canvas, I send you the connection links.



    Please enable Woodmart Core plugin, this plugin is essential. I would not work without this plugin, please disable maintenance mode so that we could test if the problem presists.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    I have the woodmart core activated so normally it should have no problem

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I am checking the site you provided the access for and Woodmart Core is not activated: https://gyazo.com/fbf2962199c279c9bc2b4c9576bafed1

    Maintenance mode is on on the site: https://gyazo.com/2eea9d91bce2c21f1073a271d027bd26

    If you mean another site, please provide the access.

    Best Regards

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