Home Forums WoodMart support forum layout error Reply To: layout error


Bogdan Donovan


1. You don’t need to set -40px three times for different device’s resolution. You can set it only for desktop, and it will work the same on other smaller devices.
2. As we said in previous reply header spacing will change only after page reloading. So if you test your site on desktop, you need to reload your webpage after switching between mobile/desktop resolution like is shown on video (https://gyazo.com/de36db7c4cceb7701d9343da265b3543). The following behavior only applies to mobile testing on a desktop computer.

We have checked your site on different devices and everywhere the header spacing looks completely normal, please see the following screenshots:

Desktop – https://prnt.sc/Xls-UrdzkNr-
Tablet – https://prnt.sc/Z4Fe_9kSjvxH
Mobile – https://prnt.sc/U4ToTHbwzWdl

Kind Regards