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Single Variation Issue

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  • #418719


    Hi Guys,

    I Just renewed my support license as I see you added for me a very essential feature that I requested back in 2021. The single variation option.
    That time I gave up on completing the page, but really hope you can get me all the way this time.

    The issues I struggle with right now is.:
    1) The single variation shows all attribute in search. Like all clothes shop around do, i only want to show the colour variation, not the size.
    When showing the size attribution I get 4 identical images in search result/archieve page.

    2) When i use the filter. The result comes out empty.
    Regardless if I select size or color attribute. (please see attachment)

    Last related to this is regarding linked variations.
    I can’t find where to do this so could you please share screenshot of where i located.
    Documentation says “2. Create linked variation bundles in Dashboard -> Products -> Linked variations”
    But I don’t see this in dashboard?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by nicolaj.
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    Hi Guys any update on this?

    Is really important for me to get this working, is standard ecommerce and cant launch clothes shop without it.

    To help you illustrate the problems I found with with the shop /archieve page I have attached 2 images.

    the 1st image:
    shows how single variation should work.
    And how it turns out in my test, with 4 identical images for size S, M, L, XL

    There need be an option for not create all variable in search result as it totally smashes the user exeprience.

    The 2nd image:
    show how the variable product originally worked before your new feature.
    I could live with that also as long as filter work.

    and image displayed in filtered result would match the input.
    link in my example when i click purple color filter show the pink.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by nicolaj. Reason: new info to help you
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    Artem Temos


    1. Our “Show single variation” feature display all product variations on the shop page. For example, if you have the following list of variations:
    Then, you will have 6 different variations shown on the catalog page.

    2. Try to disable the “Table usage” option in WooCommerce -> Settings -> Products -> Advanced.

    Kind Regards



    1 – That really not a well thought through update, and would be useless for majority of people who want build a e-commerce site.
    Are there any plans on updating this in version 7.0.1

    2 – Yes I see that can work.
    However doing a bit research I see this feature is BIG update from WooCommerce v6.3 and that I really increases performance speed and also made up for some bugs showing out of stock products.


    Artem Temos

    Yes, but it is how this feature works in all plugins made for WooCommerce. We can’t change this behavior in our theme, unfortunately.

    Kind Regards



    1 – For your information, actually not all. For instance the Iconic plugin does deal with it differently

    2 – A question more for this “Table usage”
    Should I understand this like your latest update 7.0.0 don’t work with the Woocomerce 6.3 that is a significat performance booster
    or why am I ask to disable the box?

    3 – Do you have any documentation on how to use
    Product > Linked Variations?
    Is not clear for me what is about and how is done?


    Artem Temos

    1. Could you please send us a link to example or to the information in the documentation so we can better understand what you mean?

    2. This option can be disabled only in case you want to see variations in filtered results. Otherwise, our theme is fully compatible with this feature.

    3. Sure, here it is https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/linked-variations/

    Kind Regards



    I really like your theme, however for whoever is serious about WooCommerce living with these 2 issue, that you latest 7.0 update forced.

    So let me try explain again if I was not clear before.
    I have attached a new illustration, showing the difference between how Woodmart now handles variation vs how for example the Iconic plugins handles variation.

    Issue 1 – No options to choose which variations to show on the shop page, filtered results, search results, featured listings, or none of the above.

    While is good to expand the catalogue when you have few products. No one wish to repeat the same image again again.
    Just Imagine Nike have 12 identical images for their shoes. (they have 1 for each color but not 1 for each size)
    No profit making e-commerce platform do that.

    Issue 2 – Shop filter does not work unless I deselect table usage option.

    You sell your theme as being lightning fast. But what you ask me for disable is the WooCommerce v6.3 update which I have read is considered one of the most significant speed performance ever in WooCommerce.
    This update reduces the number of server request dramatically.

    I hope you will make this high priority for your next update. Rather adding more nice to have features fixing this is as must have something that really will impact the conversion rate.

    I’m stuck and somehow need find out how to revert this and use the Iconic plugin if you cant resolve it..

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by nicolaj. Reason: improved wording
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    Artem Temos


    1. We will consider adding this option in our future updates also.

    2. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make it work with Lookup tables. You can check any other plugins and see that they work the same way.

    Kind Regards



    Hi Artem,

    1. Okay look forward to see that
    2. From what I can see the Iconic plugin manage to do it. Variations with Lookup table.
    I have the feature checked marked for catalog filtering in a test version, please see external link. So unless the plugin overwrite my selection its possible.

    3. How do you suggest I move forward until one day you release something Ican use. What would be the best for performance?

    a) Should I use iconic plugin with an older Woodmart version? (6.5.4)
    b) Or should use iconic plugin with latest Woodmart version 7.0 version then there are two codes regarding variations?


    Artem Temos


    2. Please, send us your admin access so we can check how the plugin works.

    You can use our 7.0 version with the plugin but disable our built-in feature for single variations.

    Kind Regards



    Okay so instead of show single variations, now I’m trying to just use linked variations.

    I have added 2 test products and linked them all is fine on product page.

    However i have issue with filter on shop page:
    The color filter works fine but the size filter does not work at all.
    (The size L variation of both the white and blue test product are not in stock. but applying the L filter on shop page they still shows in stock)

    I have send you the log in information for test page please have a look in extra information


    Artem Temos


    Linked variations are just simple products and our theme doesn’t affect WooCommerce filtering functionality when you link them together. Please, check how it works with the default theme to see if it is a WooCommerce problem or not.

    Kind Regards



    The test page I made is just latest WooCommerce version and your Theme with the WP bakery selected.
    Beside of that there are no additional plugin functionality added.

    So what you tell me is that if I like use variation like S,M,L,XL for a product and no attribute, then neither your filter or WooCommerce filter are able to tell what products are is in stock or not?


    Artem Temos


    We don’t have custom filters in our theme. Our filter widgets are based on WooCommerce widgets with a few appearance adjustments. So if it doesn’t work with WooCommerce filters then it will not work with WoodMart widgets as well because it is how WooCommerce works by default.


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