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Shopping Cart Widget

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  • #447670


    Hi! I have questions regarding the Shopping Cart widget.

    – How can I rename it to “Cart” only?
    – I noticed that the typography of the Shopping cart widget title can only be changed via the “Title font” on the Basic Typography. I even checked the Advanced but it’s not there. I would like to know its custom selector so I can set it to my desired style.
    > Can I also get the custom selector Advanced Typography for “Subtotal:” and “Price”?
    – I would like to remove the cart icon inside the widget.
    – Can I adjust the size of the Shopping Cart widget? If yes, I need to make it wider. On tablet and mobile, I’m hoping I can make it almost full screen if opened, and then the same settings which it has a background overlay enabled (by dark background behind) [refer to the attached screenshots].
    – Can the “Return to Shop” button be set to full width? Just like the “View Cart” and “Checkout” buttons inside the widget that shows if there’s an item in the cart. (refer to the attached screenshots).

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    By the way, my site is up and not in maintenance mode. It’s flourphl.com.



    1- Sorry to say but there isn’t an option available to change the Shopping Cart text. So, you can try using the Loco Translate plugin to change the text of it. Here is the guide to that: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/translate-woodmart-theme-with-loco-translate/

    2- Following is the CSS selector for the Shopping Cart title:

    .cart-widget-side.wd-side-hidden.wd-right.wd-opened .wd-heading .title

    You can try using that under the Advanced Typography to change the styling of it.

    3- For the Subtotal, following is the Custom selector:

    .shopping-cart-widget-footer .woocommerce-mini-cart__total strong

    For the Price, following is the Custom selector:

    .woocommerce-mini-cart__total .woocommerce-Price-amount

    4- To remove or hide the Cart Icon inside the Cart widget showing when it’s empty, please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section:

    .cart-widget-side .wd-empty-mini-cart:before {
      display: none !important;

    5- To make the Shopping Cart widget width increase to your choice, please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section:

    .cart-widget-side.wd-side-hidden.wd-right.wd-opened {
        width: 100% !important;

    Now, in this CSS you can change the value of width according to your choice. Also, the same CSS you can apply on Tablet and Mobile CSS areas too, to make changes for their respective viewports too by changing the value of the width.

    6- To make the Return to Shop button take full width, please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section:

    .wd-empty-mini-cart .btn {
        width: 100% !important;

    Hope we have addressed all your points!

    Best Regards



    Thank you so much! Can I also change the “Subtotal” to “Tota;” thru the Loco Translator?



    We are glad that we could be of some help!

    Yes, you can try using the Loco Translator plugin to change or translate the specific words on your Site following the earlier sent Documentation guide for the Loco.

    Best Regards.

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