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How to add a category three link on all category and products pages

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  • #447961


    I want to add a link for navigate on the category three on all subcategory pages and products pages as per example attached here of the product page
    for example the category three is:
    Home ->Stamps->France->Complete Series->Air Mail

    and these are my needs:

    1)If the client is on “Air Mail” with products displayed I want to display on top the link
    Home ->Stamps->France->Complete Series
    and the client can click on “Complete Series” or “France” or “Stamps” for navigate

    2) if the client is in hte subcategory Home->Stamps->France with subcategories displayed I want the same link navigation

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    Sorry to say but as you know the Archive pages come from WooCommerce by default, so the Theme directly doesn’t influence its structure. It is coming from their end so it would be best if you concern with WooCommerce on this and see what they can suggest to you in this regard.

    Further, under the Dashboard > Theme Settings > Product archive > there is only option to enable or disable the Breadcrumb on the Shop page named as “Breadcrumbs on shop page” > you can enable or disable it: https://snipboard.io/HgACW0.jpg

    Hope you can understand !

    Best Regards



    Thank for the answer
    There is any method to add the full category list on the left of any page as per home page ? I have tried to edit with elementor the home page to see how to add the category list but there is nothing on the left !

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    Every page when you edit it with simple edit without page builder, you will find the Page Options where you can select specific Sidebar on them: https://snipboard.io/eXrq2p.jpg

    Now sidebars can be found under the Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets area. There you can add Widgets under the Sidebars and then those Sidebars can be selected under the Pages like we have told above. This is how you can have Sidebars on all Pages or on specific Pages.

    You can read more about it here on the Documentation guide: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/widgets-and-sidebars/

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards

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