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Hello Luke,

Please suggest further-
1. After updating the Theme, shall we have to update the Woocommerce also to the latest version.
Current version of Woo is 7.1.1
Or is it that, with Woo 7.1.1 updating of theme is not required.

2. In the meantime, we asked Hosting also, and they revert or downgrade the PHP version from 7.4.33 to 7.3.33, to avoid this error. Not sure whether this will fix the issue or not.

So wanted to know after updating the Theme, shall we keep the PHP version to 7.3.33 or update to 7.4.X or even newer to this one that is 8.x or 8.1x

In either case, can you please look into the errors and suggest, as what might be causing the issue suddenly.

Please suggest
