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Format Errors + Blog Update Content on Fresh Installation

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  • #500952


    Hello Woodmart Team,

    I have already checked and deactivated all plugins, updated my Woodcore plugin and theme, etc. Please review my shop and make the necessary repairs. I hope you can assist me.

    – Formatting errors in the shopping cart on the desktop version.
    – Incorrect formatting of product preview images on the shop page.
    – The shopping cart and favorites icons have different heights on mobile version.
    – On the blog page, no blog articles are being displayed.
    – The most critical issue is that the content of blog articles is not updating. In Elementor, the current content is present, but when published on the website, it doesn’t reflect the changes.

    I appreciate your prompt attention and assistance in resolving these issues.

    – Blog is without Articles: https://i.imgur.com/CE4Q4Qo.png
    – Format Error on Shopping Cart, the Line on prices: https://i.imgur.com/8R0pwax.png
    – Mobile Version Product Preview on shop page or mainpage: Check yourselfs please, cant make an image
    – Blog Articel on Dashboard View: https://i.imgur.com/BqrLwVY.png
    and after Publishing, no change, only Title changes directly, content dont change: https://i.imgur.com/WGV9wig.png

    Thank you


    Hung Pham

    Hi manfred_macht,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    1. Blog is without Articles: https://i.imgur.com/CE4Q4Qo.png

    The posts are showing fine on my end, please double check https://prnt.sc/GJEA9Y65gi5K

    2. Format Error on Shopping Cart, the Line on prices: https://i.imgur.com/8R0pwax.png

    The space between the columns are very narrow, you can disable sidebar on Cart page to make it looks better. You can do it by editting page, scroll down to Page Settings https://prnt.sc/GF_bey-LR1hU

    3. Mobile Version Product Preview on shop page or mainpage: Check yourselfs please, cant make an image

    Seems you are referring to image heights are not same. If so, navigate to Theme Settings > Product archives -> Products styles, here you can enable Even product grid for desktop option to align products if they have different height components.

    You can enable it for specific devices as well https://prnt.sc/ASt5z0mmasuz

    Please refer to article for more details https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/image-size-and-content-alignment-in-a-product-grid/

    4. Blog Articel on Dashboard View: https://i.imgur.com/BqrLwVY.png

    and after Publishing, no change, only Title changes directly, content dont change: https://i.imgur.com/WGV9wig.png

    I can see the content modified and both front-end and editor are same. Please confirm me back if you resolved it.




    Thank you. I resolved everything almost but have still Problems with the Button Text because i want to change them.:

    I already searched all texts on loco but can not find it, can you change that for me please?
    I also dont found the Button Text on Elementor.

    Shop more Button Text to: Zu unserem Shop

    Please delete here the Buttons on the first and last image, like in the second Image:

    Please translate the Text: Continue Reading to Weiterlesen and activate it on the Blog Page, i can not find it too.


    https://i.imgur.com/QbbW0ez.png – Can i change that Text to Social Media Buttons? Like replace text Instagram Profil to the Instagram Symbol.
    Replace the Texts to the Social Media Symbols, so it would be a good looking Area.

    And here on my MenĂ¼, i choosed on all the HTML Block from Menu 3 but it shows just black background.
    And at the third Category Point, it dont show anything and just open the Sister categories.:


    I want that this open on all Category Points and not with black background, i want your Menu 3 Category HTML Block there.



    Here again:

    I designed my Menu like This in HTML Block with Name Menu-category-3: https://i.imgur.com/Xo7sDl6.png

    But in Shop side, it looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/cfuy9uF.png

    Can you please help me with this?


    Hung Pham

    Hi manfred_macht,

    1. I also dont found the Button Text on Elementor.

    * Shop More: You can edit text here https://prnt.sc/uloYjZNE8lOE

    * Delete buttons: You can remove here https://prnt.sc/va9sY874bBNi

    * Continue Reading: Seems you translated by yourself. You can enable it for Blog page in Theme Settings > Blog > Blog Archive https://prnt.sc/ox8-yoQ-f9AJ

    2. Social icons in footer

    You can create an HTML Blocks and use the social icons elements: https://postimg.cc/hQ9Rf7Z7 and customize it as per your need in the page builder Then save the changes and publish that html block.

    3. Categories menus

    In order to set width, color scheme for categories menu you can do that via Dropdown Settings inside menu items https://prnt.sc/lNc4XYjpAix6

    Also, I recommend you use 3 columns for categories menu for best display.

    You can refer to our documentation https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/create-mega-menu/




    Thank you very much.

    I fixed almost everything but just have 2 Problems left.:

    1. I translated the Search Bar correct but if i click to “Shop”, then in Shop Page is the Search bar language english again, how can i get that german still? Can you fix that like in the main page? Image: https://i.imgur.com/yefwnUH.png

    2. I created for every Category point an Menu HTML Block and connected it, it looks good but at the Points where i do not have much underpoints, it dont look pretty good, very much Space.

    Can you give me an advise that it is good looking?

    Image: https://i.imgur.com/KLKMbHy.png


    Hung Pham

    Hi manfred_macht,

    1. You set English words for Germany translation files. You can do it by yourself because I can’t do it due to permission, please double check https://prnt.sc/thNsqIO7x6q2

    2. It depends on how you modify each categories menu. For e.g https://prnt.sc/71CINu08FLxm

    The heading has large margin bottom value https://prnt.sc/zDQKOyboD59i

    Height of categories also affected by products widget https://prnt.sc/_s8zM1UMJ3qT


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