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slider on shop page

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  • #512614


    hi there,
    i need a slider on the shop page (archive-product.php).
    only shop, not category page. in function.php i hooked into:

    add_action( 'woodmart_before_shop_page', 'slider_shoppage', 10 );
    function slider_shoppage() {
    	if( ! is_product_category() ) {
    		echo do_shortcode('[html_block id="12345"]');

    now i got a small bug. the slider refreshes everytime i do a ajax call (filter, sort etc). please have look on link
    i send here and filter something.

    what is wrong? is there an easier way to get a slider on shop page?

    woodmart 7.3.2
    woodmart core 1.0.40
    woo 8.2.2
    wordpress 6.3.1

    best regards, kay


    Hung Pham

    Hi Kay,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    You can use our WooCommerce Layouts builder, in which you can create your own layout for Shop Archive page only. https://prnt.sc/4ZB6ZtqjnVut

    Then, use Slider widget to display slider.

    More about WooCommerce Layouts builder can be found in our documentation https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/.




    hi, this doesn’t make any difference, i built it and tested it. if i do an ajax call on shop page the slider is re init every time.


    Hung Pham

    Hi Kay,

    Please send:

    – Temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to Private Content area.

    I will check this problem for you.




    sorry this is not an option.
    please stop asking evertime for admin access on a very clear problem.
    the problem is described above.
    if there is a slider on shop page and ajax shop, the slider is re init everytime on an ajax call. i didnt find an example withe a slider on shop page in your tons of demo pages. you can just do one. 🙂


    Hung Pham

    Hi Kay,

    I tested this way and it worked properly on my end https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/slider-on-shop-page/#post-512728

    If it still doesn’t work, please send temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to Private Content area.

    I need to take a look the settings to find the root cause of the problems.


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