Hi support-1174,
Thanks for reaching to us.
There are 3 ways to do that:
1. In case you are using Custom Single Product layout, you can go to Layouts > Layouts, edit Single Product layout and turn off Show tags
option in Product meta
widget. https://prnt.sc/v8TPtmvB8lMe
You can refer to WooCommerce Layouts builder here https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/
2. If you want to hide all the Product metas: Categories, Tags or SKUs then you need to navigate to the Dashboard > Theme Settings > Single Product > Elements > Meta > there you can find the option of Hide > just select it: https://snipboard.io/1N9m6E.jpg
3. If you don’t use Custom Single Product layout and specifically want to hide only the Tags then you need to apply the following Custom CSS on your Site and paste it to Dashboard > Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global CSS section
.product_meta.wd-layout-inline .tagged_as {
display: none;