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Attribute swatches from images from product variations also on detail page 2023

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  • #518010


    Is there a possibility to have the attribute swatches (on the product detail page) generated from the pictures of the product variations? I can see them in the list, but on the detail page there is only the color swatch available (if the attribute has some color). It works, if I put an image for the attribute, but this does not make any sense for the color, because then I have to create all the colors for every product, and also the color name has to be unique…

    I used your advice from the following thread:
    but it doesn’t help.
    The result is that again only the color is visible and it does not take the picture:



    Hung Pham

    Hi pavel.vutkow,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Please send me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to Private Content area, I will check the settings.




    Hung Pham

    Hi pavel.vutkow,

    Variation images are working fine on my end https://prnt.sc/khFAYsGEZ09J https://prnt.sc/ImMFUiNxUX2F

    Please clear browser cache or plugin cache and double check.





    I think you misunderstand me.
    i’m talking about the poppy icon in place of the color. I currently have color attributes created that are used in many places and there is no way to put a picture of them as they are different products.

    The same is described in the other problem I refer. Can you see it where you listed the solution that didn’t work for me.
    I want to see a picture of the variation instead of showing the color to choose from.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

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    Hung Pham

    Hi pavel.vutkow,

    Please remove the custom attributes and add global attributes to every variable product and then create variations, see screenshot for better understanding https://gyazo.com/154ad88baeb57b0284885cb09f0e7a91

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.




    Hi there,

    Thanks but this is the global variations:
    Please check this product:




    Hung Pham

    Hi pavel.vutkow,

    The product you shared above used global attributes not manually attributes https://prnt.sc/ecGC5fP-rn3a, which works properly https://prnt.sc/2J1FmQcn9806





    I think you don’t understand me.
    What I’m looking for as a solution is:
    1. To have one primary color attribute
    2. Where I don’t have a variation with a photo, show the color
    3. Where I want the variation to be with a photo, the photo should be displayed. The photo is the so-called: swatches

    Please see the video.

    PS There’s no way I can have one common photo for all products uploaded in the attribute since I’m talking here that each product is different. Yes, the color is, for example, black, but I can’t put a selfie stick, a photo on a phone stand, or anything else.
    You have an option that says: Use images from product variation.

    Swatches buttons will be filled with images chosen for product variations and not with images uploaded to attribute terms

    As far as I understand it means it will consider the photo uploaded for variation and use it as the attribute selection photo

    Big thanks,


    Hung Pham

    Hi pavel.vutkow,

    Thanks for your patience.

    In order to activate images from variations options there are two requirements:

    – Terms should have default images (not color) set as default values https://gyazo.com/6f8b2ad14cf28ca7ba81dd3add404c38

    – You need to select an attribute used to add variations images to in Theme Settings > Shop > Variable products https://gyazo.com/f16d69a6eecaed6c30863be77e84f89f


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