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License problem and hooks about products grid

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  • #527622


    I have setup my website with this theme but i didnt know it’s a commercial theme. My friend shared with me the theme and i setup my site with it but then i saw that its a commercial theme so i bought it now to fix my fault. But now i cant be sure that my license code is in action because i didnt activate it yet, i cant see the theme license part on my site how can i add my license code manually? What’s the manual way because when i tried to patch the theme it says i have got some problems like : “Something went wrong during patch installation. Patch can’t be applied. Please, try again later.” it seems a license problem i think.

    Another question is about yith membership plugin im trying to hide add to cart button and show download button directly to whom bought the membership plan. It works on single product page part by the plugin options without any extra code but it doesnt work in prouct grid and related product part on woodmart theme which im using now. How can i find the hooks about it to add the “function hide_price_and_add_to_cart()” ? Can you please share the hooks that i need to hide i mean the woodmart special hooks which is used at the custom theme. Because yith membership is not seems to hide it all parts. I need to make the code help with the hooks part.
    Thanks in advance…

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    Can anybody help me?


    Luke Nielsen


    I apologize for the delay.

    1. The theme can be activated via WoodMart -> Theme license: https://prnt.sc/1JteeGtIV8SO so paste that key and let me know.

    Then recheck the issue with the “Patch can’t be applied”.

    2. As for the issue with the button, please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand if is it our theme issue or not.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

    Kind Regards



    Hi Luke!
    Thanks for the reply, i didnt add my license key at there because i cant see that part, but the license link is not shown at my dashboard thats why im asking. But applying patch is working now. Is it a problem or if its working can i be sure im licensed?

    The other question and now my unique problem is workin with yith membership plugin. Its working on woocommerce_single_product_summary as i attached the file. But its not working on shop and product grid part and related products part. If there is another custom hook can you please share it with me? Because im not sure how to fix that plugin to work with woodmart theme. Thanks in advance…

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    Luke Nielsen


    1. In this case, navigate to Theme Settings -> White label -> and turn on the “Theme license page” here: https://prnt.sc/_UB4AZsWw4nY

    2. Our shop page uses the default hooks from WooCommerce so please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like WooCommerce Storefront to understand if is it our theme issue or not.

    Let me know the results.

    Kind Regards



    You were right Luke, I tried with a simple theme and the plugin effect just the same part of the site. So i need to add some codes to change it. So excuse me about this noob question but where can i find the attached parts of the woodmart for example related products, grid products to change add to cart button i need the locations of it. Or can u advise me to do something about it because i have just a shortcode about to show download button instead of add to cart. They give me a shortcode to use it but i have to control that if the user purchased the membership or not and add the shortcode to the parts ( product grid, related products or so).
    Long story short, i need a solution to do it by myself. Please advice me about it.
    Thanks in advance…

    And i solved the lisence part with your solution. Thanks again…


    Luke Nielsen


    Send please the shortcode that they provided you.

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards

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