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thank you.

1. It is WP Rocket, but you recommend it everywhere, so its strange, why google maps is not working.

3. Accordion is working. It was caused by WP Rocket and JS summarize.

4. Thank you, it is fixed.

5. Page speed: I used your settings for WP Rocket and now its much faster, thank you. I have just one thing: if I use the WP Rocket JS delay execution, the text at the slider and the promotion bunner is first loading, if I scroll down or move the mouse at that place. Is there any possibility to exclude that part? Can you recommend something?

6. Page speed: I tested the page speed at google page insights and at pingdom. Google page speed insights is ok, but pingdom is a B with 85. Is there any other possibility ?

7. Where can I set the navigation dots at the mobile version for the slider ?

8. The main icons of the categories ( shop page ) are not at the right dimension after the update. Can you please help?