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By default, WooCommerce does not have options to hide a higher price.

The HTML structure of WooCommerce prices cannot be changed using the WordPress theme itself and in this case the only way to hide a higher price is to do it with css.

A larger price using CSS can be hidden only by defining a standard price structure and any change to the HTML structure inside the price block may cause this option to work incorrectly.

The technical aspect of CSS from “Hide “to” price” option is to hide ALL elements inside “price” block except the FIRST “amount” block (https://prnt.sc/QpcnwAiywf47) and as you can see from the structure on his site (https://prnt.sc/ElUjXcTnOUrC) his prefix “EB” does not have any wrapping HTML block that can be used to show it in the same way as was made with “amount” block so it can’t be “excluded” from hiding.

In conclusion: we can’t change the HTML structure of the price via WordPress theme only, and we can use only CSS. CSS that hides larger prices works only with unmodified price structures. Your site has a modified price structure which can’t be used with our “Hide “to” price” option enabl, and it needs to be disabled.

Best Regards.