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child theme

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  • #572891


    hello team
    1. I try to reach a 100% in Accessibility in speed page and hear than I can add a child theme for Divi that shows “[user-scalable=”no”] is used in the <meta name=”viewport”> element or the [maximum-scale] attribute is less than 5.

    2. also Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio. showing in attached

    3. I subtraction in we Rocket it help but not reach the 90% in mobile , any suggestions for this for options that I can turn on or off I’m use theme call ” color theme “

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    1. You can find the Viewport tab in the Theme Settings > Other, you need to scroll to the bottom of the settings. https://prnt.sc/N-Zibb47ilCh

    The “Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio” error means the contrast ratio between the two elements doesn’t meet the recommended standards. For example, you might be using a similar shade of gray for both the background and the text.

    Our guide on how to optimize your website using our themes can be found here: https://xtemos.com/wordpress-performance-optimization-the-ultimate-guide-in-2021/.

    Best Regards.



    that helpful but else see attached image , I tray to change the color for product tag as speed page mention
    where can I change it ?

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    Bogdan Donovan


    We are trying to check your site, but it is currently unavailable (https://prnt.sc/nZ_TyPaynpf5). Please verify its status. Additionally, to help you resolve this issue, we will need administrator access to the site.

    Kind Regards



    my website back online you can check it now


    Bogdan Donovan

    I checked your website, and unfortunately, it is still unavailable: https://prnt.sc/0OowciT5yhkp https://prnt.sc/KPA9Q8re-kIq

    Kind Regards



    Please check now it was problem with cloudflare CDN but now is live, thank you for understanding

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    Hello team,
    Any update ?


    Bogdan Donovan


    Unfortunately, we are still experiencing difficulty accessing your website (screenshot https://prnt.sc/pcQXM8UeLXc7). Despite our efforts, including trying multiple browsers and using a VPN, the site remains unavailable. We have cleared browser caches and attempted access from different devices and locations, yet the issue persists.

    Additionally, when we attempted to check the site through PageSpeed Insights, it also appeared to be inaccessible (screenshot https://prnt.sc/Xc4szWWaLqTr)

    Kind Regards



    That wirde i check from other computer and other laptop its working fine even i check pagespeeed and it looking fine please chckek agine the URL i attached for my home page and i will attach a other page in my website

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    Hello team any update


    Bogdan Donovan


    Sorry for the delay. We managed to access your website and conduct a PageSpeed evaluation. The report highlighted three main categories of accessibility issues:

    1. Light gray text on a white background (https://prnt.sc/jASAtXthHmnk)
    2. Primary color green product prices on a white background (https://prnt.sc/aDYmhI3FLpwX)
    3. White text on a primary color green button background (https://prnt.sc/zolR2zVLycRh)

    The first issue can be addressed with the following custom code:

    body .wd-product :is(.wd-product-cats,.wd-product-brands-links) {
    --wd-link-color: var(--color-gray-600);
    body :is(.widget,.wd-widget,div[class^="vc_wp"]) {
    --wd-link-color: var(--color-gray-600);

    The second and third issues cannot be resolved with custom code alone, as they require adjusting the shade of the primary green color to meet contrast standards recommended by Google PageSpeed. Please try accessing your theme settings primary color option (https://prnt.sc/TD-H1qX0MDA0) and experimenting with darker shades of green to achieve a suitable contrast ratio.

    Best regards



    Thank you for your reply, regarding first problem i will paste the code in Global custom CSS ?


    Bogdan Donovan

    Yes, you are correct. The code should be placed in the Global custom CSS area in the Theme settings.

    Kind Regards

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