Home Forums WoodMart support forum MAGGOG: some different characters next to my domain name and some more questions

MAGGOG: some different characters next to my domain name and some more questions

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  • #573273


    Firstly i am glad to work with your theme.

    Q1: I have a problem which i couldn’t understand the reason? i don’t know why do i have a strange letters next to my domain name. It is like that: https://maggog.com/?v=7b3eaf5c6103 I deactivated all plugins except woodmart core. I realised that when I deactivate the woocommerce this text is gone hopefully: ………com/?v=7b3eaf5c6103 But of course I need woocommerce. I deleted woocommerce via Filazilla. I installed a new one, activated but result is same. ?v=7b3eaf5c6103 is coming back. By the way i created a directory via Multisite. In other directory everything is excellent. But in main domain i see this characters. Maybe a problem is coming from htaccess file or PhpMyAdmin tables? Or i am really confused.. Could you explain me the solution please?

    Q2: https://woodmart.xtemos.com/woodmart_element/tiled-products-grid/ where can i find this demo page?


    Luke Nielsen


    1. Try to adjust the permalinks in Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks.

    2. Yep, you can import it via page builder – https://gyazo.com/af40481d05f6bdd2d0e5ff00119b91c3

    Kind Regards



    Q2 is solved. Thank you so much for it.
    Q1 is still same. I still have this text next to my domain name in all pages and posts or products.


    Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks
    I tried this option earlier but for your suggestion i again tried but nothing changed.

    Note1: Previously i used another theme (DreamTheme: The7). but after i preferred your theme WoodMart. After theme changes, i had this strange characters. Now i get this problem for both of themes. But i am only interested in using WoodMart theme.

    Note2: I have a multisite network (not subdomain but directory. I gave these info that maybe you faced similar things before.

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by maggog.com.

    Luke Nielsen


    1. This is the first time I see such a problem. Could you please check how it works with the default WordPress theme like WooCommerce Storefront to understand whether it is our theme issue or not?

    Kind Regards



    My these two request (Q1 and Q2) are solved. Now i have two more problems. Sorry for taking your time in advance.

    Q3: This is my SHOP PAGE: https://maggog.com/pazar-yeri/ We need filters too much for speedly reaching to the products. But some of filters are not shown in our “Shop Page Widget Area”. I didnt understand the reason. Or maybe do we have limit to add filters there? I sent 2 pictures. The one with red line are can not be shown into “Shop Page Widget Area”

    Q4: I sent you a Screenshot_3.jpg file. Could we do a more visible arrows. Maybe with some half transparent background at least or a selectable arrow models. Some of people think that we have just 1 picture but i need to explain them to scroll right or left. Or press arrows but they recognize it after i inform about arrows. (This is not a urgent request but maybe you can add such a capability in next updates.

    Q5: There was also a question but before typing here i checked again. I see that it is solved automatically. So i didn’t need to write but it was about carousel any elements. When i scroll right or left of any carousels, that time it was not go directly. For example, when scrolling left or right on a testimonial, image, or post in Carousel mode, there was a lag while scrolling (a few days ago). I just tried to record this problem on video now. But I noticed that the problem seems to have resolved itself. Maybe it was solved with the last patch or while optimizing the database. I don’t know how it was solved. But since it has been resolved, I no longer have any problems with this issue.

    Sorry for this being a long post and taking up your time.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Luke Nielsen


    3. Make sure that those attributes from filters are defined for some products.

    4. Try to use the code below for help:

    .wd-product .wd-product-grid-slider-nav div {
        background-color: #cfc5c5;

    Thank you for your time.

    Kind Regards

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