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edit product page

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  • #596266


    hi, how do I edit my product page
    1. there is too much space on the title as pic 1
    2. the theme I choose has 3 colomn, but mine only showed 2 , also where do I edit these information like description and delivery,( referring pic 2 and 3)
    3. how do I edit this page adding more blocks under the pic ?
    4. how do I delete the feature I crossed as picture 4


    Hung Pham

    Hi Blissdates,

    First of all, I’m really sorry have taken long time to reply you.

    1. Please edit single product layout and remove WooCommerce notice widget or move it to new position https://prnt.sc/w13xvL9PU3e8

    2 > 4. You are using a Custom Single Product layout, which is built with WoodMart WooCommerce builder. Navigate to Layouts > Layout to edit Single product layouts to edit sections.

    Further, you can read more about the Layout Builder here: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/woodmart-woocommerce-layout-builder/

    There are 3 default tabs of WooCommerce:

    + The Additional Information Tab: Shows when the Attributes are added under a Product. If the Attributes are not added then the Additional Information tab doesn’t show.

    + Description Tab: This is the main description on the product page.

    + Reviews: Used to show customers’s reviews.


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