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Create individual pages for each brand

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  • #600686


    Hey Im working on my new website now and would like to create individual pages with their own URL for each brand on the website. All brands on my shop can be seen at “/merkevarer”. I want these individual brand pages to have “/merkevarer/example-brand” as their URL. How can I do this? Please let me know if anything was unclear. My site is not live yet, but I have shared a link with you in the private content tab so you can get access.


    Hung Pham

    Hello kontakt-9949,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    First of all, I am appreciate your patience.

    You can check Enable archives option for your brand attribute and it will create attribute pages in the same way it works with categories and tags. https://monosnap.com/file/v3q5Gs8VCgj7mWLfMOeH6JWgCOIwzy

    Also, you should resave permalinks via Settings > Permalinks.




    Hey Hung,

    Thank you so much. Creating the brand archive pages worked like a charm!

    With that being said, I have now encountered two new problems:

    1) The woocommerce breadcrumbs are now messed up and showing the wrong structure. It is showing “Produkt Merkevare MSR”, when it should be showing “/merkevarer/msr”
    2) The categories section is showing all categories, and NOT the product categories of the brand.

    How do I fix these two things? Thank you so much for your help so far. You have been very helpful. Looking forward to resolve these last two issues. Thank you so much.

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