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Variation Images

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  • #620991


    I have noticed recently that the display of images for variations has changed.

    Previously, when no variation image was added in Woocommerce product settings, the image would display as the main product image instead. However now when you select the variation, no image displays at all.

    Has something changed in the theme setup and do we need to turn on a particular setting?

    To clarify we want the following scenarios to occur:

    When an image is uploaded to the variation, display that image when the variation is selected from the drop down

    When variation image is uploaded, display the Main product image.


    Artem Temos


    This mechanism is related to WooCommerce and we didn’t make any changes to the algorithm. You can check how it works with the default theme as well.

    Kind Regards



    Hi There

    When we activate 2025 theme the problem goes away. It works as it should do.

    Please let me know how to resolve?

    Many Thanks


    Artem Temos

    Could you please record a short video of how it works with the default theme comparing to WoodMart so we can better understand the issue? And send us your admin access as well.



    Here’s the links to the screen recordings:




    Artem Temos


    As we can see, you are either using some additional plugin or customized our default theme’s gallery. Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and temporarily switch to the default theme in Appearance -> Themes?

    Kind Regards



    We haven’t customised the themes gallery, we are just using the standard theme setup, no child theme etc. This has always worked fine, we have been using woodmart for over 5 years, only recently the problem occurred.

    Also when we switch to the 2025 theme the problem, goes away so i can’t be related to Plugins?


    Artem Temos

    Please disable all plugins temporarily so we can check it on your website. Also, we can’t enter the dashboard because 2-factor authentication.

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