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Error al sincronizar la traducir del archivo woodmart-es.po con el pluguin loco

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  • #631688



    Les escribo para solciitar su ayuda al subir el archivo woodmart-es.po haciendo uso del pluguin loco obtengo un error que dice: ” Advertencia: Volviendo a la extracción fuente porque falta woodmart.pot” y no logro avanzar en la traducción. agradezco su antemano su apoyo en este asunto.



    Please use the Loco translate plugin on your site. After installing the plugin please Navigate to Loco >> Themes >> Woodmart >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woocommerce >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.

    Also, please Navigate to Loco >> Plugins >> Woodmart-Core >> Edit the translation which you are using for the site >> Click the Sync button >> Find the words and add the translation for them and save it.


    1. Custom (recommended)
    2. This is Loco’s protected folder under “wp-content/languages/loco/” which is safe from automatic updates and provides priority over the above locations.
    If this folder doesn’t exist you may need to create it and ensure it has the correct permissions.

    If the issue still exists then please send me the WP admin login details of your site so I will check and solve the issue for you.

    For more information please read the theme documentation here:

    Best Regards.




    Intente seguir los pasos que mencionas pero no ontuve exito, unicamente se puede realizar la traducción uno a uno o puedo importar el archivo .po para la traducción del tema?

    Comparto las credenciales de acceso para ver si puedo recibir tu apoyo.

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