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Request to Display Left Sidebar Content in Bottom Menu on Mobile

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  • #633732


    Dear WoodMart Support Team,

    I am using the WoodMart theme and have designed my product page layout using Elementor Page Builder. In the left sidebar, I am displaying products using a shortcode added via functions.php.

    Sidebar screen Shot : https://prnt.sc/Xo6J_Rf7oJRT

    I would like this left sidebar content to appear in the bottom menu on mobile devices, similar to how the sidebar is displayed in the bottom menu when opening a blog post.

    Could you please guide me on how to achieve this? Any suggestions or custom code would be highly appreciated.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Best regards,



    You can configure the mobile bottom navbar by navigating to Theme Settings > General > Mobile Bottom Navbar.

    Here, you can, Set a custom button and set a custom URL. You may need to manually insert your shortcode into a custom page.

    Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance.

    Best Regards

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