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Sorry the content are was not found in your page

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  • #636630


    Hello Dear XTEMOS,
    I have got a error which is ” Sorry the content are was not found in your page ” when I am going to edit the checkout page on my website, it is giving this error. I am able to edit all my pages but when I want to edit any kind of checkout page, it is giving this error. I am giving you a screenshot of what error is giving, now I want a solution for this, I am giving you access to my website, please take a look and solve it for me.
    Path were we are going to edit : Cartflow > Funnels > Main Funnel > Checkout click the pen icon available at right side of checkout section.

    And one more thing when are complete import your demo check homepage its Random design are showing.

    Thanks you so much.

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    Hung Pham

    Hi mdebrahim17,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    First of all, Iā€™m really sorry have taken long time to reply you due to the weekend and I am appreciate your patience.

    Please check this manual and configure it. https://elementor.com/help/the-content-area-was-not-found-error/

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.




    i have try this but this is not work for me acctually i have share you my website credentials please check if there have any problem its so much important for us.

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