Home Forums WoodMart support forum Woodmart Promo Banner Elementor Issue

Woodmart Promo Banner Elementor Issue

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  • #642061


    When using the Woodmart promo banner, the layout width option does not work when changed in the mobile view. The Elementor editor view shows the width changing on the element, but when viewed directly on a browser the edit does not show or take place for mobile view…

    Can you check this functionality on your test site or directly..



    Sorry to say I do not fully understand your issue. Could you please elaborate on your concern more with some useful screenshots so that we can better understand and assist you accordingly with which issue you have faced?

    Also, share the wp-login details of your site so I will check and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards,



    Go into elementor , add a woodmart promo banner. Select mobile view on elementor…

    Test to see if the width option is working for layout, it works on desktop view but not mobile view..

    Check website, content width is not reduced on mobile..



    Yes, this width option in the layout section of the promo banner widget is working fine on mobile.

    Best Regards,

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