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Loco translate – issue changing blog button text ‘continue reading’

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  • #646021


    I’m trying to translate some voices of the site (from standard language to italian).
    Now, I followed your instruction: installing Loco Translate-> create the italian language ->selecting Woodmart theme ->translate some voices (please look at the screenshot attached).
    I can’t see any difference in the site (no cache, browser refreshed)
    I use to modify directly the po file and publish in mo. but I’m new in loco translate.
    In particular now i’m trying translate ‘continue reading’ button. in blog page or in Elementor blog widget.



    Your issue has been solved. Please check the site after removing the browser cache. I have translated the theme files from the Loco >> Themes >> Edit the Languages translation files and then save it. If you want to change any words you can also do it from the same path.

    Best Regards.

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