Greetings XTemos team!
We’re experiencing some issues with product category pages that we need your help with:
1. On pages where both subcategories and products are displayed, there is no separation between the subcategories and the products themselves – they are all inside the same div (products elements-grid wd-products-holder) which creates a non aesthetic look of the page itself + confuses the customers.
Is it possible to separate between these two different type of data elements (sub categories / products) and how?
2. Same issue with filters and sorting that appears before the subcategories instead of after them, and before products – can you let me know which hooks / filters can be used to change the location of the sorting/filters? Oof course it has direct relation to what I wrote in question 1 since they are in same div).
Desktop screenshot:
Mobile screenshot #1:
Mobile screenshot #2:
3. In the product categories we have switched from infinite scroll to pagination but we still see pjax calls after clicking the pagination buttons (2, 3, 4, 5, etc) – that we must get rid of as we are experiencing server load issues we are trying to decrease. Is there a way to change it so that the pagination will be with actual page refresh instead of ajax (pjax)?
Please see the category page example link in the private content.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Best regards,